
Autumn Leaves at Saishoji Temple

Autumn Leaves at Saishoji Temple Honbo

At Saishoji temple Honbo, located at the foot of Mt. Oiwa, the best time to view the autumn leaves is from around November 20 to December 10.
At the beginning of the fall foliage, visitors can enjoy the brilliant colors of the maple leaves, from green to yellow to red.
At the end of the autumn foliage, in December, the leaves fall and the "scattered maple leaves" covering the ground are a sight to see.

Autumn Leaves at Oiwasan Tamonin Saishoji Temple Honbo

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Video of Autumn Leaves at Saishoji Temple Honbo

<Video of Autumn Leaves at Saishoji Temple Honbo>

You can see a video of the autumn leaves in Saishoji Temple Honbo.